From This American Life: On Break Ups
Starlee Kine
Do you think he'll come back?
Phil Collins
[LAUGHS] I hope so, because you obviously do feel a lot for him.
Starlee Kine
Do you think I'll ever stop feeling bad, like I am now?
Phil Collins
Well, but you kind of like feeling bad, don't you?
Starlee Kine
Oh, yeah. Well, it's something--
Phil Collins
I don't think you really want to get over it. I think you're kind of enjoying it. So that's kind of a dilemma you have to sort out.
Starlee Kine
You really have me pegged. It feels like important or big or something. Like it feels like I felt really-- I felt so much for him when I was with him. And the only way to still feel like that strongly about something is to not let it go. I would love to be the person who was just like, he meant nothing to me. But instead, I'm the person who's like, OK, I'm going to write a break-up song and play it over the airwaves. And I've like lost all my cool.