Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Future of Books - Nelson, Coupland, and Alice

The Future of the Book. from IDEO on Vimeo.

I am superbly excited about this. There was a guest lecturer today at school and he was talking about how he had written his book using inDesign, and with the program, he could embed all sorts of things within the literature: links, videos, websites, media. Unfortunately, however, none of this was useful because the book was made for print. What an idea! It suddenly occured to me that the reason I would never buy a Kindle, kobo or what-have-you is because it is just a digital version of a book written in e-ink. There's no incentive for me to purchase an e-reader when I love the feeling of holding a book in my hands and turning its pages. BUT!!!! If an e-reader enhanced reading, through media, augmented reality, tidbits...can you imagine, a texbook would never be boring, a journal can be cross referenced easily, mystery novels could be real mysteries, and Harry Potter could really be magical! Reading becomes an experience..playing, exploring, interacting..

Therefore when I found this article on Kistune Noir, I am just as excited. I know these are prototypes, but the idea, is really great.

link: kitsune noir

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