Monday, August 12, 2013

guilt or defiance?

When do we know we have enough? Where is the line drawn between sufficient and stuffed?

Just remember, when you throw things out or put things away --out of sight, it doesn't mean it's not there. There are landfills still overflowing, natural resources and water becoming more and more scarce, unsustainable production methods, manufacturing waste and pollution, ...every aspect of a product's life cycle has an impact and the way we live our lives encourage it.

So stop using cheap plastic, non-recyclable materials, and start using smarter products that are energy efficient for you and for the world to produce...and take only what you need.

Funny thing, in places that don't seem to have enough, they can't afford to be sustainable. A product that is eco-friendly or more energy efficient for them will be too expensive to buy. And in the places that have more than enough, they are struggling to make up for their abundance by being "more sustainable"!

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